On this episode of Sounds Visual spinoff series How Deep Is Your Crate, producer/musician/composer/record label owner Aaron Levinson talks about the 1978 album Siembra by Rubén Blades and Willie Colón.
It is considered the best selling salsa album in the history of salsa music and Latin music. Siembra is the second of four collaborative duo albums produced by Rubén Blades and Willie Colón. It has sold over three million copies worldwide, and almost all of its songs were hits at one time or another in various Latin American countries. With its rousing social commentary and unconventional sound, “Siembra” set the salsa world on fire and remains one of the most original and influential works in that genre. One of the album’s centerpieces is “Pedro Navaja,” a song that he fashioned after Bertolt Brecht’s “Threepenny Opera.”
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